Project Monitoring, tracking and evaluating progress on women’s economic and political empowerment in the Maldives (2022-2023)
With the support of the National Democratic Institute, and in partnership with Women On Boards (WOB), Women and Democracy (W&D) is implementing a project named, “Monitoring, tracking and evaluating progress on women’s economic and political empowerment in the Maldives.” The main purpose of this project is to measure, monitor, and assess progress on women's economic and political empowerment in the Maldives (NDI). Through this project, Women & Democracy and Women on Boards hope to measure progress in areas such as gender equality, women's economic involvement and empowerment, and women's political engagement and empowerment in the Maldives.
The main aim of this project is to keep the government responsible by monitoring and reporting their activities in order to improve accountability in the Maldives for gender equality. Our proposed political process monitoring will monitor gender equality across two key areas:
Women’s economic participation and empowerment: Our focus is on monitoring Strategy 1.3: Increase the role of women in decision making levels, Strategy 3.1: Ensure that women are economically empowered and Strategy 3.3: Improve access to credit and financial mechanisms for female entrepreneurs of SAP.
Women’s political participation and empowerment: We will examine the proportions of women in political parties, electoral positions and government bodies/institutions with decision-making capacities; to capture both the presence of women among political leaders and their balance across these institutions (relates to Strategy 1.3: Increase the role of women in decision making levels of SAP).