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The Gender Equality Manifesto (GEM) (in partnership with the British High Commission to the Maldives)

Project awarded by: British Highcommission Colombo
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The WiP4 Project (in partnership with The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives)

Project awarded by: Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)

Observation of the Maldives Presidential Elections 2020

Self-initiated project, through fund raising and donations

Project empowering women’s political participation in local government (in partnership with the IRI) 

International Republican Institute (IRI) 
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Fostering multi-stakeholder outreach to review and realize policy action in context of COVID-19 and beyond

In partnership with the
Commonwealth Foundation
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Project Monitoring, tracking and evaluating progress on women’s economic and political empowerment in the Maldives

In partnership with the 
National Democratic Institute (NDI)
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